The Green & Blue Foundation is a 501(c)(3) dedicated to making our community the best place to live, work, and play.
Established in 2020, the Foundation strives to enhance the quality of life for youth and disadvantaged people in Connecticut, with a focus on making a difference for communities in need in support of five key Community Pillars.
By assisting in the following areas, the Green &Â Blue Foundation seeks to promote hope and growth throughout Connecticut by delivering programs that enhance the lives of all in our community.
- Creating programs aimed at improving health, education, recreational opportunities, and support for those in need.
- Educating local youth and disadvantaged people, particularly on the subject of employment, health, fitness, safety, nutrition, and the environment, and facilitating the development of such education through participation in internships and work/study/skill opportunities.
- Providing funds (as scholarships and/or grants) to youth soccer players who are enrolled in both instructional and competitive soccer programs, thereby granting them the means to participate in soccer activities.
- Conducting events that provide instruction to participants in youth soccer programs or providing funds for the creation of such events.
- Assisting amateur soccer players and their teams by paying for items such as equipment, medical help for injury, transportation to activities, and quality coaching.
- Providing youth and amateur soccer players tickets to professional soccer events to enhance their passion for the sport.
Key Pillars
The Green & Blue Foundation is committed to making Hartford and Connecticut the best place to live, work, and play in support of these key pillars:
- Health and Wellness
- Youth and Family Education
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Veteran and First Responder Support
- Economic Development
Programs & Initiatives
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